Orange Blood Pulp 1.5mm
In Season
All fruit is washed and rinsed, prior to sorting to eliminate under and over ripe fruit, infested and damaged oranges. Fruit is conveyed to the Kelly machine which is set to quarter the oranges and separate the peel from the fruit centres. The peel is shredded to 1.5 mm (+/- 0.5mm) in width with no cross cut applied thus being natural length. The peel and the dummy are cooked to inactivate enzymes. The peel, dummy and water, if required, are blended together, by percentage, to give the equivalent in the original orange and the pulp is heated to min 87C for canned product or min 98C for aseptic product.
Pulp passes through a metal detector and is either: a) hot-filled into lacquered cans or: b) pasteurized and filled into aseptic bags in drums. Finished product is stored at ambient