IQF Mushroom Porcini / Cep Shredded 16mm

Pack size: 1 x 10kg
Origin: China
Ingredients: Porcini (Cep) Mushroom
Declare as: Mushroom

The product shall be prepared from fresh sound raw material that is free from all toxic residues and taints and shall comply with all current UK/EU Food Legislation. The product is intended to be used as ingredient that is further processed and heat-treated before final consumption (minimum of +75oC for 30 seconds). Note: specification available upon request.


In Season

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Mushrooms are delivered frozen to the factory, each load is quality assurance sampled for foreign material and physical defects. The load is then put in a chill store (3°C) before inspection, cleaning, grading and freezing to -18°C or below.


During packing the mushrooms are inspected before weighing and filling into blue poly lined cartons. The cartons are Best Before and Production date coded, check weighed, metal detected, palletised and stretch-wrapped before being returned to store at -23°C to await despatch to the UK, at -18°C.